- 'What a waste of time, most of it isn't relevant'
This is a comment I hear over and over again, drivers sit there bored and learn about stuff that's not remotely relevant to their work.
Companies will pay their fees (£40-£100) a head and send their drivers of two 7 hours of lectures on the do's and don'ts driver hours, Tachograph Updates, rules for driving abroad and the intimate details of rules regarding a ferry crossing. Useful? In parts- but generally the detail they go into is way too much. For example, what Timber merchant in Leicestershire needs to know about split working rest!?
What companies are not told, by training providers or the government, is that there is a way to make CPC work for them- yes you can reap the full benefits of CPC training and have 7 hours that are useful to you and your business! For example, did you know the syllabus contains allowances for Improving Company Image and Promoting Company Policy? Likewise, did you know that a course can be easily altered and devised in way that it can specifically relate to your industry? Whether that be Aggregates, Agricultural, Timber, Construction or anything else, courses can be designed to fit a company's or industry's need.
So instead of looking at CPC in a negative way, there is now an opportunity to make it work for you, so that you can really see the benefit to your workers and your company.
For any more information on specially designed CPC Courses then drop me an email at nick@alphahgv.co.uk